News & Events

ABM Mission Boxes


Are due for this quarter. As Mandie is away please pass your box to Tony Henwood for counting.


ABM Lenten Appeal


Please consider making a donation to the Australian Board of Missions Lenten Appeal 2025: "helping women break from violence, injustice and oppression.'

Envelopes are available on the information table. Drop your contribution into the offering bowl.


Lent- A time to reset our lives


Use this Lenten period (5th March- 13th April) as a time to get closer to God in all that you do. Spend more time in prayer and reflection. Often we see this time of year as the time to give something up.

Maybe it is easier to take something on.

However as you approach Lent make sure you allow God to work in you all the things he has in store.


Parish Council Meetings


These will operate differently in 2025. Every second month we will devote our time to LYCIG principles with the other months dealing with Governance matters.

Meagan Street will be leading the Parish forward as we explore how best to see our Parish grow Spiritually, Missionally and Numerically.



Volunteer Probity Checks


Anyone volunteering in the Parish must hold the appropriate clearances for the role they perform. 

Our Safe Ministry checks are being audited and where there are where there are tasks to complete that volunteer will receive a reminder to complete the tasks as soon as possible. 


Position Vacant:


Treasurer Role


The Churchwardens are seeking a new Treasurer, if you are kenn on serving the Parish in this way please have a chat now with Tony or Mandie.



Praying for those in Need


Record the names of those in need on the Prayer request sheet.

Namesremain on the list for four weeks and will need to be added again if required. Please enter your name so that Clergy can follow up on your request.

Please make sure you have the permission of the person before adding to the list.



Pray Daily For the Parish


Please use the card provided to pray intentionally for the Parish each day.

Click Here for the Prayer.






Next Executive Meeting:


Saturday 12th April 2025 at 10.00am


Next Parish Council Meeting:


Sunday 23rd March 2025 at 12.00 Noon


Next Parish Lunch:


Sunday 30th March 2025


Maundy Thursday 17th April 2025


Good Friday 18th April 2025


Easter Day 20th April 2025













Your Giving to the Parish


Please consider changing your weekly offering to a direct debit. Please your surname as the reference and use the following Account details:


Bank:       National Australia Bank

BSB:        083 202

Account:   752850956

Name:      The Anglican Parish of Jika Jika

Reference: "insert your surname"





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The Melbourne Anglican Newspaper     Click Here


Anglicare Victoria Imagine Magazine     Click Here